90-Second Cure for the 3:00 Slump

Do you suffer from the 3:00 slump? Need a fast and effective pick-me-up that doesn’t involve caffeine or sugar? Try self stimulation! No, not THAT kind… I’m talking about your Collarbone, your Thymus Gland and your Spleen. In only 90 seconds you will feel a greater sense of energy, balance and concentration. I use this technique in my voice studio for my singing and public speaking students as part of the warm up before every lesson.

1) Collarbone (K-27 Points)

To locate these points, place both index fingers on the inside corners of your collarbone. Now move your fingers straight down to about an inch below your collarbone.

Tap or massage these points for about 30 seconds while breathing deeply.

Benefits of stimulating the K-27 points are:
• Increased energy
• Greater alertness
• Better focus

2) Thymus Gland

The Thymus Gland is located in middle of your chest directly below the K-27 points. Think “Tarzan”.

Massage or gently tap on the center of your chest for about 30 seconds while breathing deeply.

Benefits of tapping the Thymus Gland:
• Stimulate your energy
• Boost your immune system
• Increase your strength and vitality

3) Spleen

The trigger points for the spleen are located directly below each breast. Massage or tap both points for about 30 seconds while breathing deeply.

Benefits of stimulating the Spleen:
• Lift your energy level
• Balance your blood sugar
• Strengthen your immune system

So try this next time you’re thinking of reaching for a latte. Your body and brain will thank you.