
This morning, I woke up early to the sounds of birds singing – woo hoo!! It’s a sure fire sign that the dark, dreary days of winter are finally coming to an end! Here in Kelowna, BC the crocuses and tulips are emerging, the days are getting longer and the temperatures are turning into light jacket weather once again. We are renowned for our beautiful summers here but the price we pay is about 120 days of flat grey skies that begin in the late fall and last until spring. Needless to say, we get STARVED for sunshine here and when the weather starts to turn, it puts everyone into a wonderful mood.

Musically, this is the time of year I give my voice students songs about Spring – there are some wonderful art songs out there and what I love about them is that they all share a feeling of expectancy – a rhythm of hopeful anticipation. This is a contagious energy and it is absolutely impossible to sing them without feeling energized and happy.

Whether you take voice lessons or not, you can put a spring in your step this week simply by singing in the shower… the wonderful bouncy acoustics, the warm air which is so good for your voice, the feeling of just being free will help you set the tone for a fantastic day. Give it a try and Happy Spring!